Monday, December 30, 2013

If I live to be 100...

My grandma is 90 years old.  She just turned 90, in fact, a couple of weeks ago.  I got a chance to see her the last time my wife and I were in town.  She’s still living on her own.  She drives, and keeps herself in good health.  She’s an active athletic booster for the University of New Mexico Lobos.  She has season tickets and catches as many football and basketball games she can.  She’s also an avid Denver Broncos fan.  She took a trip to Denver recently to watch the Broncos host the Chargers.  She got to meet with John Elway while she was there and even had an opportunity to shake Peyton Manning’s hand and ask him “What the hell happened out there?” when the Broncos lost the game.  My grandma is one of a kind!

If I were lucky enough to live to be a 100 or even as close as my grandma is right now, what would I hope to accomplish in life?  What would make me feel that I live a full life?  Would I have any regrets?  Would I wish I had done things differently?

I’m more than halfway to the century mark right now.  I’d prefer to think that I still have half a century left in my life as opposed to thinking my life is half over.  My life to this point has certainly had its ups and downs, but I chose to think that my life has been a good one so far.

So, what is it about my life that makes me feel blessed?  It starts with family.  My mom and dad are still alive and healthy.  Both parents have always loved me and continue to tell me how glad they are that I’m their son.  I have two wonderful stepparents that love my mom and dad unconditionally.  My step dad has become like a second father to me.  He inspires me with his vision and drive for life.  I’m blessed to be married to my best friend.  I couldn’t imagine my life without her.  She’s my rock and keeps my mind in proper perspective.  Together we have four beautiful children.  I have two incredible daughters from a previous marriage, and two stepchildren that I proudly call my own.  My oldest daughter is one of the brightest personalities I know.  She’s creative, sensitive and always willing to serve.  She’s chosen a career of social work because of her passion for others.  My middle daughter is one of a kind.  She’s athletic, intelligent, and always looking for ways to love others.  Her real desire in life is to love and be loved.  My youngest daughter is smart, talented and artistic; her imagination knows no bounds.  She sings like an angel, and God only knows what’s in store for her as she ventures out into the world in a few short years.  My only son is one of the most sensitive young men I’ve ever known.  That’s not to say he’s weak, just the opposite.  He’s strong until it hurts.  He takes care of his mind and his body.  We’ve never had to worry that he’d make the wrong choices.  He’s a thrill to coach on the field, and he’s the guy I want at the plate when we need a double to win the game.

I’ve had an opportunity to serve my country, first as a submariner for nearly 12 years, then as a civil service employee for another 12.  I’ve been both a public and private school teacher.  They were some of the most rewarding times of my life.  The combination of my work experience and education has allowed my family and I to live in a warm, loving place to come home to each evening.  I’m blessed with numerous friends, past and present.  I stay in contact with former students and athletes I’ve had the privilege of teaching and coaching.  In all honesty, this first half of my life has been sheer joy.  Sure, I’ve had some bumps in the road but my God has been beside me every step of the way.  I have no doubt that as I start the second half He will be right there with me to the end.

I’m a list kind-of-guy.  My wife will tell you that I’ve got mental check boxes.  When I’ve got things to do I place them on a list and check them off as I get them accomplished.  With that in mind here’s my list (with check boxes included) of what I’d like to accomplish as God guides in the 3rd and 4th quarters of life:

§ Keep working until my body and mind won’t let me anymore.

§  Keep fit in both body and mind.

§  Keep building friendships and strengthening relationships.

§  Keep coaching and mentoring.

§  Keep my wife happy.

§  Keep my family close.

§  Serve others more often.

§  Think of my own needs less.

§  Stay faithful to my principals and beliefs.

§  Each and every day, strive to be a better person than I was the day before.

§  Keep listening to my God and following His instruction.

Sure, I could make a list of toys I want, trips to take, big ticket items to purchase, but I’d much rather think that life isn’t about all that.  Life to me is about living it the way God intended, with the gifts He’s given me.  He has blessed me to this point, why would I try and change course now?

A Common Man

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