Friday, November 15, 2013

And So it Begins....

I find it interesting that as I approach the later half of life I have this compulsion to start sharing more of myself, my thoughts, my faith, and my time by putting it into word.

It started a few months back when my step-son and his fiancĂ© asked if I'd preside over their wedding vows.  I was honored, but not sure how to proceed.  I found out that becoming "ordained" to do such a thing is as simple as going online, paying a fee, and poof - now the power is vested in me.

My step-son shared with me that they wanted something quick and simple.  They didn't have anything planned, so it was up to me.  My future daughter-in-law did give me a basic format, but gave me the liberty to say something during the ceremony.  So it began....I wrote something that I thought would be personal enough to them, but understandable to everyone who attended.

The videographer who was filming the wedding really liked what I said.  She asked if I'd recite it again so she could dub it over the video she was putting together for the kids.  The videographer is extremely talented, and the video was amazing.  It still comes as a shock to me to hear my own voice dubbed over while watching the film of their wedding.

I thought about that experience and realized I'd never written anything like that for my wife.  I started to feel guilty and felt that I needed to write something for her that reflected my thoughts.  I was amazed at how quickly the words flowed out of me.  I envisioned her in every word that I put to paper.  The result was simply titled "You."

As like most of us, I have a Facebook account.  I use it to stay connected with family and friends, former students I've had the privilege of teaching and athletes I've coached over the years.  I posted "You" on my wife's Facebook timeline and was surprised at the positive comments she received from it.  From that point on I felt compelled to write two more (for lack of a better definition) poems and posted those as well.

Now, I really don't consider myself a poet by any stretch.  I never studied poetry, learned how to write it, or even cared much for it, to be perfectly honest.  What I did discover, however, was that I enjoyed putting pen to paper and writing about something that has touched me during my morning devotions, or thought that occurred to me, or a reflection in life that inspired me.

All of that has led me to this blog.  I consider myself a common man.  My family and I don't live extravagant lives.  We are a two income house with dogs and cats.  We live in a comfortable community with a mailbox down the road, schools close by and a park in our backyard.  We have a mortgage, car payments, and a little bit left over after every paycheck.  We dream of retiring in Maui some day and taking our daughter to Greece before she graduates from high school.  We have Thanksgiving and Christmas dinners with our large, extended family every holiday season.  I consider myself extremely blessed to have fathered two girls and become the step father of two others.

I'm a common man that has decided to create a blog.  As I progress down this new writing journey of mine, I looked to inspire and be inspired by those that wish to read it.

A Common Man

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